Happy 1 Month baby!
It's been 1 month since moving into my new apartment. During this time I have learned some new, and somewhat shocking, things about myself.
1. I am a clean/neat person. I make my bed every morning. Do the dishes every night. Vacuum at least once a week. Hang my clothing up at the end of the day. And keep my laundry under control. This is the most shocking.
2. When having only myself to feed, I can eat the same thing everyday as long as it's relatively quick and easy to make and, of course, tasty. For months, it's been yogurt and a latte for breakfast, and then almonds, baby carrots, an apple and banana and maybe some cheese throughout the day, with some sort of egg/tortilla/avocado/cheese concoction for dinner. I do mix it up a little, but this is my staple diet and I love it.
3. I am designer-y. I am kicking myself for not having the foresight to take before pictures of the suite when my sister, Alayne, had possession. I love her, but her bones? They do not contain designer. With a little help from Ikea, I have transformed the little bat cave from an uninspired, but cute, caterpillar into a functional and chic-ish butterfly.
4. I can tolerate 3 little spiders in my bathroom around my window sill. But anything over 5 and they get the vacuum. Over 5 and they are just as creepy as 1 big spider. I don't like spiders. [I vacuumed up 10 spiders on Tuesday night, and I know it's crazy, but there's a little part of me that feels like I am to blame for the rain we've been having this week.]
5. I like to spend time doing my hair. This is not a new revelation, but without having someone around to "judge" my hair habits, they have blossomed...out of control.
6. Wine...it don't last long 'round here.
7. Chocolate...see above.
8. I am alone a lot, but I am rarely lonely.
9. I am a snooze-hitting addict.
10. Even though I do not have internet or a computer, I still can't manage to get into bed before 11:00pm.