Bryanna and the City

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

When ducks and bunnies attack.

About a month ago I posted some bunny pictures. They live about three blocks from my house in the blackberry bushes near the beach. They're pretty cute, they eat out my hand and appear enjoy my freshfromthegarden organic carrots. Anyways, as well as feeding the bunnies, I also feed the ducks at the nearby pond as well [creepy single behaviour (or am I actually single?). I know. ]. This past weekend I went with one of my roommates to do my feeding rounds. We went to the pond first and fed the ducks. They're pretty funny. They bite eachother and can get pretty agressive and even though they have no teeth it actually hurts when they bite you...from personal experience. Anyways, so after that we went to the blackberry bushes and found some bunnies in a clearing. They seemed cool at first, one came up to us right away while the other one was shy and stayed a couple metres away. After about a minute, they hopped over to eachother and then completely fipped out whenanimalsattack style...but on eachother. They jumped at eachother in mid air, scratching and clawing on contact, with a thud as they dropped to the ground....white bunny fluff flying. It was the craziest bunny behaviour I've ever seen. We stayed for about a half hour watching them do this several times.

That was my Saturday night.

Exciting, non?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Where I'm from...we kill unwanted roommates...

Yeah, I know it's been like forever...Sorry, I've been busy/lazy/self-involved/stressed/happy/excited for the past couple of months. This semester is almost over...after I finish my remaining two exams, 3 essays, and 1 ethnography (which in the whole scheme of things is not a lot of stuff). Truthfully, this semester has been pretty great; in other words, I haven't suffered from any mental/emotional/snotfacedpuffyeyes/stress/induced breakdowns...and I'm not planning on having one any time soon.

Anyways, I just wanted to write about my unwanted roommate that steals my food, never cleans up after herself, causes a ruckas in the middle of the night and refuses to pay roommate...Ms. mouse (at least I'm hoping it's a mouse and not a rat). Yesterday, one of my human roomamates saw the little bugger skitter by when she turned on the lights and when I looked a little closer (apparently, we need to sweep) there did appear to be some mouse droppings (read: shit) on the tiled floor.

Okay, so I decided to put some peanut butter out last night on a piece of paper just to see what we were dealing with. This morning the peanut butter PLUS the paper were nowhere to be found....creepy!

My landlord is getting some traps for us tonight...perhaps I'll post some post mortem pictures tomorrow...kidding!